
Founded in 1927, Veselovo is an easily recognizable trade mark famous for excellent quality. The company produces potato starch powder and potato modified starch, fruit wines and vodkas. Potato starch is applied across a wide range of industries, including confectionary, production of concentrates, meat and dairy productions and baking.

Veselovo is among very few wine-making Belarusian companies that use solely natural ingredients without adding colouring or flavouring agents.

The enterprise has implemented cutting-edge wine-making technologies that preserve the signature characteristics of wine. Veselovo-made wines are recognized far beyond Belarus. The company can boast an impressive collection of 133 medals, including 89 golden, 34 silver and 10 bronze medals. Such wines as Chernaya Dama, Skarb Radziwilla and Mechta Okhotnika were awarded the Grand Prix. The company’s products received various awards at international exhibition in Minsk, Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Yalta, Sochi, Odessa and Nizhny Novgorod. And it speaks volumes about Veselovo quality.

The company is also licensed to produce and market fermented and distilled juices, distilled juices and processed wine stock.

In 2008 the company resumed vodka production.

The enterprise sells its products on the domestic market and abroad (Russia, Ukraine and Moldova). The major export items include potato starch powder and potato modified starch.

At present the company is busy refreshing its assortment range.


24 Zavodskaya Street, Veselovo village, Borisov region, Minsk oblast, 222132

Reception: (0177) 93 34 08
Commerce department: 93 34 36